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A Promise to Myself

This is the vow I’ve made to myself today: 🧘‍♂️NO MORE DRAMA Not the challenges at work, not the struggles within my health, kids making mistakes, family issues, financial concerns, nor even the actions of strangers who may cross my path and behave in ways I might have once

A Promise to Myself

Jakob's Law of the internet

One interesting topic that is quite controversial between product and design is whether we want to innovate something or be the same as everyone else and whether you think that innovation is cool and awesome that everyone should innovate, or you think its safe to be similar, slightly boring, to

Jakob's Law of the internet

Meetings from Hell to heaven

Why Do we need a process for meetings? Meetings are very helpful tools for alignment and communications; delivering clarity and across the team, yet it is a time consuming activity that need to be controlled or team productivity will be wasted on silly debates. In a Harvard Study on 182

Meetings from Hell to heaven

Getting Started

Introduction This might be the tenth , or so, attempt - and more in countless wishes and dreams-  for me to actually create a blog of my own, and post something meaningful. Previously, the idea was always tempting to do, but never actually conceptualized more than building the blog website itself,

Getting Started